Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rainy Day in NY Series - Last one!

Sorry for the long break in posting! I decided to do one more 'Rainy Day' post. I had so much fun taking and editing these photos I just wanted to share a few more before we move on to other things. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reflections - A Rainy Day in NY Series

So here are a couple more shots from NY :) I hope you all are not getting tired of this series, because I am still having a lot of fun processing!!! Can you tell what Broadway show is reflected in the street in the image below?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Goodbye Kiss - A Rainy Day in NY Series

This shot was taken in Union Station. Enjoy, and I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yellow Umbrella - A Rainy Day in NY Series

This shot I actually processed two different ways and I am having a hard time deciding which one I prefer... I will post the other version below and you can tell me which one you like! The one above is using Topaz B&W and the one below is using SnapArt Impasto filter. I really like the colors of the SnapArt version, but I really like the Vintage feel of the Topaz one!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Shops - A Rainy Day in NY Series

So this past Thursday I spent the day in NYC on a photo workshop with Karen Messick and 7 other photographers. It was a rainy day, but it was great and I am really happy with the photos I got. I have been having so much fun playing with them, I have been having a really tough time deciding which ones to put on here!!! I may just have to create an online album. Todays images are from these shops they were setting up in Bryant Park. There were some really cool and quirky shops, I loved it! Enjoy the photos!! (all the images were edited using Topaz BW Effects and Totally Rad Photoshop Actions.)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Susquehanna State Park

These are just a couple more shots from Susquehanna State Park. I edited them using my free trial of Topaz adjust. Not really a whole lot to say this evening, I am just relaxing and watching my Ravens play Monday night football. Thursday I go back to NYC on a photo workshop with Karen Messick, I am really looking forward to it, look for the pictures on here! Enjoy tonights photos and I hope you all have a good night and, of course, GO RAVENS!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Which is Better?

I am going to do something a little bit different today. This image is actually a reflection of the trees in the water. I ran it through Topaz Adjust (I am trying out the free trial, so far I really like it!), then I made a couple more adjustments in photoshop. I also flipped the image upright. The non-flipped image, the way it was oriented in the camera is below. So here is what I ask of you.. Which is better? The flipped image above or the original orientation below? Feel free to leave comments!!

I really like the way the spots on the water give the image a "spacey feel" :)

Just for a reference here is the SOC version - no editing. (it is amazing what photo software can do!)