Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zoo Day!

I have been procrastinating this morning, I should be cleaning up the house, but I lack the motivation... so instead I started processing some of my zoo photos. These are a few of my favorites! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hot Day!

What a scorching hot few days we've had! Hopefully it will cool off soon.. In the meantime I have been enjoying a nice 4 day weekend. I got to spend some time with family at a cookout on Saturday and today my cousin Mandy and I braved the heat and took her kids to the zoo. It was a pretty good day! There were very few people there (probably because of the heat) so we got to see everything with out fighting crowds. I will probably post some of those photos in a later blog post.

In this post however I am still sticking with the Miami pictures. The opening image is another of the starfish (got a theme going here!) I was playing around a bit with the photoshop actions from the Totally Rad plug in. The image below is from our balcony view of the canal with downtown Miami in the background. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Lazy Evening

Jason and I are just enjoying a quiet evening at home watching "The Proposal" while I play around with some photos. So.. I guess I don't have a whole lot to say this evening. Hope you all enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Miami Beach

It has been crazy busy lately! Miami Beach was so much fun (once I finally got there!!) The water was beautiful and so warm, and the relaxing on the beach was very much needed. I was able to wake myself up for one morning sunrise... it was just ok as far as sunrises go.. there was not a single cloud in the sky, no waves, and the horizon was so hazy that you really couldn't see the moment the sun rose.. but I still think I got a few good photos :)

The Miami weekend went by a little to fast.. I got home late Tuesday night (no flight issues, thank goodness!). We got up early Wednesday to go to Hershey Park.. that was a great day with Tiff and Dustin. Thursday night I was one of those crazy ones that went and saw the midnight show of Harry Potter... (I was dead on my feet at work the next day!) Friday and Saturday evenings were filled with family and cookouts!

So I am now finally getting around to playing with some of the photos I took in Miami. The opening image is just a starfish and I ran it through SnapArt2 watercolor. The image below is a wide shot of the beach that I edited using the Totally Rad photoshop actions. Enjoy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

While I'm Waiting....

So I am sitting at the airport.. my flight to Ft. Lauderdale has been delayed a couple times now due to these bad storms we are having all along the east coast... I had plans for tonight to have a few drinks on the beach with Joy and Kathy... guess that is not happening now!! So I figured while I was waiting I would play around with some pictures and do a blog post. The image below is from my NYC trip last March.. I made some photoshop adjustments and ran it through the SnapArt2 Oil Paint filter. Hope you enjoy and I hope I make it to Miami!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Photo Contest

So I entered my first photo contest! I found it in Outdoor Photographer Magazine, it is the Sony Art of Expression Photo and Video Contest. I entered in the expressive portrait theme. I chose two photos that I took of Aaron last Easter. I was browsing through some of the other entries, it looks like I have some tough competition! I guess we will just cross my fingers and see what happens! Below are the two photos I entered. Enjoy!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Everyone!!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July! 
Thanks to all of our Troops for keeping our Country free!

We have been having a very fun weekend! (despite the fact that I had to work Saturday and Sunday) Saturday night we had a UFC fight night party and then played some Rock Band. Last night we had a fun neighborhood party and we set off some fireworks. Basically a great weekend with some great people! Looking forward to the Bel Air fireworks tonight!!!

The opening image was taken with the lensbaby and edited entirely on the iphone using various apps. The fireworks image was edited using the SketchMee app on the Mac.